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超声波襇棉机 宽幅可订做--15814156198陈先生

品 牌: 汇通 
型 号: HT-HJM240 
规 格: HT-HJM240 
单 价: 面议 
起 订:  
供货总量: 100 台
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
所在地: 广东 东莞市
有效期至: 长期有效
更新日期: 2014-08-16 18:59
浏览次数: 910
【超声波襇棉机 宽幅可订做--15814156198陈先生】详细说明
超声波縫綻機 Ultrasound Quilting Machine 汇通机械HUITONG ULTRASON 機台簡介Machine Introduction: 利用超音波技術將多層材料貼合的方式,縫綻被單、床罩、服裝、椅套、車罩、洗衣機套,反光材料等產品,又名叫超音波無線複合機、皮革燙金機,反光材料複合機等,機台寬幅尺寸可根據客戶要求定做。 The use of ultrasound technology to fit the way layers of material, Quilting sheets, bedspreads, clothing, seat covers, car covers, washing units, reflective materials and other products, but also called ultrasound wireless laminating machine, leather stamping machine, reflective material composite machine, the machine width sizes according to customer requirements. 機台特性Machine Features: 1.可將100%化學合成纖維的不織布及布料,藉由花輪之花樣利用超音波持續性發振達到縫綻效果。 2.可將軟質,大寬幅、多層式與同系列材質合成纖維,藉由超音波縫合來完成。 3.本機具有高生產效益,操作前不需預熱,只要開機即可進行超音波縫合。 4.藉由更換不同的花輪產生不同的花樣,而更換花輪可在短時間內簡單完成。 5.藉由超音波多組焊頭持續發振的能量,而達到無針孔且平坦美觀強固性的縫合效果。 6. 採用整體原裝進口振動子,音波出力超強。 7.可根據客戶需求可選購尋邊、修邊、張力控制等等輔助週邊。 1. 100% chemical fibers and non-woven fabric, the pattern by the use of ultrasound roller persistent oscillation reaches Quilting effect. 2. Soft, large wide, multi-layered synthetic materials with the same series, with ultrasound stitching to complete. 3. The machine has high production efficiency, without preheating before the operation, as long as the boot can be carried ultrasound suture. 4. Roller by replacing the different flowers has different patterns, while replacing roller simple to complete in a short time. 5. Sets of ultrasonic welding head by sustained oscillation energy, and achieve no pinholes and flat appearance robustness of the suture results. 6. Using the whole imported vibrator super sonic output. 7. Optional according to customer demand Edge, trimming, tension control, etc. auxiliary periphery. 規格參數 Specifications: 機器型號 MODEL NO. 功率 OUTPUT POWER 有效寬度 WEB WIDTH 超音波系統 ULTRASOIC SYSTEM 生產速度 WORK SPEED 電源 POWER SUPPLY 氣壓 AIR PRESSURE 重量 TOTAL WEIGHT 機器尺寸(MM) DIMENSIONS HT-HJM160 15KW 1600MM 20KHz 5-25M/min 50/60Hz AC380V 6Kg/CM2 2500KG 5500Lx2600Wx2200H(MM) HT-HJM240 24KW 2400MM 20KHz 5-25M/min 50/60Hz AC380V 6Kg/CM2 4000KG 5500Lx3400Wx2200H(MM) ※產品改良之需如有設計變更恕不另行通知 ※Specifications are subject to change for product improvement.
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